
Lagos / Port Harcourt

Mon -Fri: 9am - 5pm

About Us

We provide chemical analysis and packaging testing solutions for education, research, and industry
We are a scientific and engineering company dedicated to the provision of chemical analysis solutions

We support  laboratory and packaging test instruments to the food, chemical, oil/gas, pharmaceutical and process industries. Our strength is our unique ability to provide cost effective chemical analysis and packaging test solutions and instrument support on a multi-vendor and multi-instrument basis. Our technical relationships therefore cut across many manufacturers and manufacturers’ representatives.

We sell, service and calibrate the following laboratory and packaging test equipment, among others: electrochemistry products, UV/Visible Spectrometers (UV/VIS), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometers (FTIR), Atomic Absorption Spectrometers (AAS), Inductively Coupled Plasma Spectrometers (ICP), Mass Spectrometer (MS), Chromatographs (GC/HPLC), Density &Viscosity Testing Equipment, Electronic Weighing Balances, Environmental Testing Equipment, Water Baths, Circulators, Shakers and Chillers, Petroleum Testing Equipment, accompanying software, as well as other bench-top laboratory instruments; while Packaging test equipment include; Rub Tester, Friction Tester, Tensile Strength Tester, Heat Seal Tester, Leak Tester, Friction/Peel Tester, Bursting Strength Tester and others

Furthermore, we offer basic, advanced, and customized training for customers, depending on the customer’s needs. We also help our customers with application developments as well as with updates on the latest advances in chemical analysis and packaging test instrumentation. Our multi-vendor relationship provides us with a very rich and variegated reservoir of technical information and application support.



Years of Experience

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Get In Touch

Call Support

Hakeem: hakeem@aasnig.com

Call Support

Emmanuel: emmanuel@aasnig.com